
Yay! I had a talk with Lee last night; we agreed we're not doing enough stuff together. To reduce the discussion like so much cream to alfredo sauce, we're going to go to the zoo one day (yay me), and Lee gets a slug-spoilage day, a whole day (after I get back from work) when He Gets To Blow Stuff Up. I provide the 'za, beer, and bragging audience. Turns out that that I like to do kid stuff and he likes to slack off, you know.

Melt butter, saute onion until translucent; add mushrooms, mock crab, and prepared alfredo sauce; salt and pepper to taste. Toss with linguini noodles -- but not too many linguini noodles: this is supposed to be bad for you, after all. Serve however you damned well please. Bertolli alfredo sauce (which, for some reason, is always on sale) is yummy although not quite as pure-tasting as homemade alfredo sauce. I haven't made alfredo sauce on my own yet, but the time will come. Oh yes, it will come.